Dr. Formulated Probiotics Mood+ Shelf-Stable 60 Capsules

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Sales Price $40.79 Old Price $50.99
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  • Non-GMO Project Verified
  • NSF GF Certified
  • Vegetarian
  • Raw
  • 4ocean


  • Contains clinically studied L. helveticus R0052 and B. longum R0175 for emotional well-being
  • Contains 350mg of organic Ashwagandha and organic Alaskan blueberries for stress management
  • 16 raw probiotic strains; 50 Billion CFU¹ to promote digestive balance
  • Made with Ashwagandha, Alaskan blueberries and Acacia fiber
mood probiotics shelf-stablemood probiotics shelf-stable

Dr. Formulated Mood Probiotics

If you sometimes feel down and mentally in a funk, it may just be all in your “gut.” Well, probably not entirely, but emerging science is showing a link between gut health and brain health. Dr. Perlmutter created this unique formula with clinically studied probiotics L. helveticus R0052 and B. longum R0175 in the amount clinically shown to support mood, emotional well-being and relaxation.† Mood+ also has 350mg of organic ashwagandha and organic Alaskan blueberries for stress management.† Just two capsules per day support emotional health and well-being plus promote digestive balance.†

Mood Probiotics Mood Probiotics

What's Inside:

  • 50 Billion CFU; 16 raw probiotic strains
  • Has added L. helveticus R0052 and B. longum R0175 probiotics to support emotional well-being†
  • 350mg of organic ashwagandha and organic Alaskan blueberries for stress management†
  • Organic whole food prebiotic fiber blend to promote growth of good bacteria†

Our Dr. Formulated Probiotics Mood+ is:




Dr. Formulated Probiotics. Yes, please!

There’s a reason that Dr. Formulated Probiotics have the #1 selling probiotic.* A great deal of care and research goes into each and every formula to ensure you are receiving the highest-quality and most diverse strains to meet your needs. The Dr. Formulated line from Garden of Life offers a wide variety of specialized probiotic formulas with clinically studied ingredients that are gender, age, and condition specific. Whatever your health goals, join the millions of people who have turned to Dr. Formulated Probiotics.

Mood ProbioticsMood Probiotics

mood probiotics shelf-stable 50 billionmood probiotics shelf-stable 50 billion

Shelf Stable—Potency Promise

50 Billion CFU live probiotic cultures, shipped in a desiccant-lined, shelf-stable bottle to ensure your probiotics arrive alive and stay alive.

mood probiotics shelf-stable 16 strainsmood probiotics shelf-stable 16 strains

16 Diverse Strains

16 Probiotic strains including L. helveticus R0052 and B. longum R0175, plus an organic whole food prebiotic fiber blend for optimal benefit.

mood probiotics shelf-stable twice dailymood probiotics shelf-stable twice daily

Clinically Studied Ingredients

Clinically studied organic Alaskan blueberries plus organic ashwagandha for stress management†

*Based on U.S. Supplement Market, 52 Weeks Ending 7-11-21, Combined Sales: SPINS Natural Channel, iRi US MULO Channel, Amazon.com, Whole Foods Market, The Vitamin Shoppe.

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