Lifestyle: Nutrition

5 Ways to Add Protein to Your Weight Loss Plan

protein and weight lossprotein and weight loss

Protein is one of the most important nutrients for weight loss. Getting enough protein in your diet can support a healthy metabolism, curb appetite, and help you burn fat. 

But it’s not always easy getting enough protein if you’re not consciously thinking about it. Not to worry! With a little bit of focus and strategy, you’ll be able to easily meet your daily protein targets.

Let’s dive into 5 ways you can add protein to your day to support your weight loss goals. 

Prioritize Lean Protein with Every Meal

The first step in getting enough protein throughout the day is prioritizing it. When planning out your day, do a mental check to make sure you have at least one lean protein source for every meal. 

Lean proteins support weight loss as they are high in protein to keep you full, but are lower in fat and calories. Examples of lean proteins include:

  • Chicken breast 
  • Turkey 
  • Salmon 
  • Eggs 
  • Tofu 
  • Pulses (beans, peas, and lentils) 
  • Greek yogurt 
  • Cottage cheese 
  • Whey protein powder 

Including at least 1-2 of these protein sources with every meal will help you easily meet your protein goals for the day. 

Swap Your Grains 

Many grain-based foods are good for you, but some have more protein than others. You can bump up your daily protein intake by swapping refined grains for their higher-protein counterparts.

For example, trade in your white rice or pasta for whole grains like quinoa, teff, or farro. And if you’ve never tried these grains before, they are incredibly versatile, delicious, and can be used in many of the same ways as rice or pasta.

Try a quinoa salad or farro pilaf for an easy, protein-packed meal! 

Incorporate Protein-Packed Snacks 

Boosting the protein factor of your snacks is another way to fill in any daily protein gaps. Instead of having fruit or raw veggies on their own, add in a protein source such as turkey jerky, low-fat cheese, Greek yogurt, nuts, or hummus to round out the snack. 

Adding protein to your snacks will also help hold you over longer in between meals than a carbohydrate-containing snack alone. 

Eat Your Protein First

If your meal consists of a protein, starch, and a veggie, try eating the protein-containing food first. Eating your protein-based foods first will ensure you fit them in.

Since protein is filling, getting it in at the start of your meal can help you feel fuller longer and hold you off until your next meal. 

Have a Daily Protein Shake

Incorporating a daily protein shake into your routine can add that extra serving you need to meet your weight loss goals. Especially if you’re often on the go or don’t always have time to meal prep, taking advantage of convenient proteins like protein powder can be a lifesaver.

Whey protein powder is considered one of the highest-quality proteins and may enhance muscle-building after resistance exercise. Supporting muscle-building can also support weight loss as it improves overall metabolism.

Adding 1 serving of whey protein per day to water or low-fat milk is an easy way to supplement your daily protein intake.

Our Grass Fed Whey Weight Management protein powder contains 20 grams of quality whey protein per serving, plus a Capsimax® Capsicum extract to kickstart your metabolism and enhance the body composition benefits of your reduced calorie diet and regular exercise program.

By prioritizing protein with meals and snacks and incorporating protein powder into your routine, you can easily meet your daily needs to support your weight loss desires. 

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